What Faith Can Do - Kutless 信念的力量 - 卡勒斯

【Official Music Video】


【Chinese Lyrics Music Video】


Everybody falls sometimes / 每個人總有失意的的時候

You gotta find the strength to rise / 但是你必須找到那股重新振作的力量

From the ashes and make a new beginning / 從灰燼中,如浴火鳳凰般,浴火重生,重新開始


Anyone can feel the ache / 每個人都曾經感到疼痛過(每個人都曾經有過低潮)

You think it's more than you can take / 你認為它太過於沉重,重到你無法承受

But you're stronger, stronger than you know / 但是,其實你比想像中的自己還要堅強很多

And don't you give up now / 難道,你現在就要放棄了嗎

The sun will soon be shining / 旭日即將綻放光芒,照耀大地

You gotta face the clouds / 你需要勇敢面對你的陰霾、你的陰影

To find the silver lining / 試圖找到那一線燦爛曙光

*I've seen dreams that move the mountains / 我知道,夢想無所不能,它甚至能夠移動群山

Hope that doesn't ever end / 希望永遠不會被毀滅,總有一線希望

Even when the sky is falling / 即使當天空都崩塌了下來

I've seen miracles just happen / 這一刻,我見證了,奇蹟的發生

Silent prayers get answered / 無聲的祈禱者終將得到了回應 (默默耕耘的人終將得到成功的果實)

Broken hearts become brand new / 破碎的心靈終將痊癒如新,脫胎換骨得到了重生

That's what faith can do # / 那,就是信念的力量

It doesn't matter what you've heard / 無論你曾經聽到什麼事情

Impossible is not a word / 不可能」 不再單純只是個單字

It's just a reason for someone not to try / 它只是一個藉口,給那些不敢嘗試的人的藉口

Everybody's scared to death / 每個人都會害怕死亡

When they decide to take that step / 但是當他們決定破釜沉舟踏出那重要的一步,視死如歸班

Out on the water / 跳脫任何框架,擺脫所有羈絆

It'll be alright / 任何事都能解決

Life is so much more / 生命是如此的豐富,但是生命遠不只如此

Than what your eyes are seeing / 遠比你眼前看到的更加精彩、更加燦爛

You will find your way / 你將會找到屬於自己方向

If you keep believing */ 只要你能夠始終堅定信念,契而不捨

# Overcome the odds / 克服困難,越過那些可能性的障礙

You don't have a chance / 就算機會是如此渺茫

(That's what faith can do) / (但是,這就是信念的力量能做到的事)

When the world says you can't / 當全世界都不看好你時

It'll tell you that you can!* / 它將會告訴你,「你可以的」

That's what faith can do / 那就是信念的力量

That's what faith can do! / 這就是信念的力量

Even if you fall sometimes / 有時候,即使你失敗了、跌倒了

You will have the strength to rise / 你仍會有力量重新站起來,再次東山再起



Kutless 是一個美國福音樂團,現有五名成員。西元2000年在俄勒岡州波特蘭出道。

獲得過多次 GMA Dove Awards 提名,但最終都沒有能夠獲獎。 但是他們的專輯在美國本土的銷量就足以證明一切。


Jon Micah Sumrall - lead vocals, occasional rhythm guitar, piano

James Mead - guitar, backing vocals

Jeffrey Gilbert - drums

Dave Luetkenhoelter - bass guitar

Nick DePartee - lead guitar, backing vocals


What faith can do 可算是他的代表作,在台灣傳唱率極高。




【延伸推薦】Westlife - You Raise Me Up 西城男孩 - 你鼓舞我




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